WEBINAR: Targeted metabolic profiling at untargeted scale
Time: 8:00 PDT | 11:00 EDT | 15:00 GMT | 16:00 CET
Place: online
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The power of metabolomics can provide vast insights into biological systems, delivering information about the biochemistry of a person, plant or animal, as well as the microbiome, the exposome, and lifestyle factors. To deliver on this promise, it is critical to identify putative metabolites with confident annotation while determining which analytes are transitioned into a targeted method. The challenge is in determining the species metabolome when a large section remains uncharacterized and with no reference standards to perform validation.
This webcast will describe how the Patti lab has developed comprehensive LC-MSn techniques to confidently profile biological samples using novel untargeted data acquisition schemes and software. Discovery results obtained using Thermo Scientific Orbitrap-based mass spectrometers enable methods to filter between 5,000 and 20,000 features into ~1,500 unique features comprised of knowns, known unknowns, and unknowns. The goal is now to leverage the unique innovations of the Thermo Scientific Stellar mass spectrometer to perform targeted quantitation on the set of identified metabolites using fast gradients to handle increased study size.
The speakers will describe key instrumental features such as fast and sensitive MS, MS2, and MS3 acquisition to expedite highly multiplexed targeted data acquisition methods using higher energy collisional dissociation (HCD) and collisional induced dissociation (CID), as well as novel automated instrument control features that deliver fast, sensitive, and reproducible data acquisition to verify putative biomarkers.
You will learn:
- How to acquire and process untargeted data to identify putative metabolite biomarkers
- How to leverage the untargeted data to automate highly multiplexed LC-MSn acquisition on the Stellar mass spectrometer
- The analytical capabilities of Stellar mass spectrometer to acquire fast and sensitive targeted-MS2 and -MS3 to expand quantitative assessment to a wider range of molecular species
This webcast has been produced by Thermo Fisher Scientific who retain sole responsibility for content. About this content.
- Gary Patti, Senior Director, Center for Mass Spectrometry & Metabolic Tracing Washington University
- Bashar Amer, Metabolomics Vertical Marketing Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific
- Moderator: Alison Halliday, Freelance Science, Writer