WEBINAR: Next-generation workflows for small molecule quantitation using the Thermo Scientific Stellar mass spectrometer

Time: 8:00am PT, 11:00am ET
Place: online
More information: here
Developing targeted small molecule quantitative workflows for clinical research presents many challenges to researchers. From determining the optimum methods needed to enhance selectivity and specificity, to achieving improved limits of detection and quantitation, the Thermo Scientific™ Stellar™ mass spectrometer is an ideal instrument to overcome those challenges. This revolutionary instrument features a quadrupole mass filter, dual-purpose ion concentrating routing multipole, and a dual-pressure linear ion trap that expands effective data acquisition schemes to maintain the quantitative sensitivity for both large and small molecules.
This live webinar will cover method development considerations for applied workflows such as toxicology research, implementing fast chromatography, and automated intelligent instrument control. Participants will learn how to leverage higher energy dissociation (HCD) and resonant collisional dissociation (CID) using tMS2 and tMS3 acquisition to improve quantitative selectivity, sensitivity, and specificity in complex biological matrices.
Learning Objectives
- Increasing productivity through streamlined method creation
- How to create targeted MS2 and MS3 methods in one analytical method
- The benefits of Adaptive RT for scheduled PRM acquisition for small molecules
- Courtney Patterson, Masters of Science, Product Specialist in the Clinical Vertical Marketing Group, Thermo Fisher Scientific
- Jingshu Guo, Ph.D., Sr. Product Application Specialist in the Clinical Vertical Marketing Group, Thermo Fisher Scientific