WEBINAR: How HPLC-CAD Analysis Can Allow You to See Hidden Extractable Oligomers
Time: 2:00 PM Central European Summer Time
More information: here
Join for an informative webinar where we'll unveil our innovative in-house method for studying Extractables and Leachables (E&L) substances in common medical and pharmaceutical-grade plastics. We'll dive into the analysis of nylon, polyurethane, and PVC (epoxidized soybean oil) oligomers, showcasing our approach that leverages multiple advanced detectors to analyze a wide range of analytes with diverse chemical properties.
Our method incorporates an ingenious inverse gradient technique, fine-tuned with an in-line mixer and optimized gradient delay times. We'll demonstrate the application of a previously published calculation to determine analyte behavior, classifying them as non-volatiles or semi-volatiles using CAD (Charged Aerosol Detection).
By attending, you'll discover how our approach minimizes inter-analyte response factor variation, enhancing quantitative accuracy and reducing uncertainty in setting analytical evaluation thresholds. Ultimately, our method is designed to meet crucial requirements in E&L studies, ensuring efficient and cost-effective protection against potentially harmful substances. Don't miss this opportunity to stay at the forefront of E&L research.
- Katherine Lovejoy, Product Applications Specialist, Thermo Fisher Scientific
- Chris Tuczemskyi, Moderator, Product Marketing Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific
Learning points:
- determine which analytes behave as non-volatiles with CAD and can therefore be accurately quantified using surrogate standards
- improve quantification accuracy and reduce response factor variation using an inverse gradient
- use an in-line mixer to combine the analytical and inverse gradients and improve response uniformity
Who should attend:
- Laboratory managers and directors
- Technology leaders
- Principal scientists
- Laboratory analyst
Looking forward to meeting you!