5.9.2023 - 18.10.2023

WEBINARS: Proteome Discoverer software and Compound Discoverer software workshops

Vážení současní i budoucí uživatelé,

přijměte prosím naše pozvání na jedinečnou sérii bezplatných online workshopů pro software Compound Discoverer a software Proteome Discoverer.

Workshopy budou probíhat v angličtině, ale účastníci mohou využít titulky v aplikaci MS Teams ve svém preferovaném jazyce.

Proteome Discoverer software workshops

General Proteome Discoverer software training: General%20Proteome%20Discoverer%20softwa

  • Tuesday 5th September 13.30-17.00 CEST (Berlin time)
  • Wednesday 6th September 13.30-17.00 CEST (Berlin time)
  • Thursday 7th September 13.30-17.00 CEST (Berlin time)

Specialized TMT data processing:

  • Wednesday 27th September 15.00-17.00 CEST (Berlin time)
  • Thursday 28th September 15.00-17.00 CEST (Berlin time)

The workshops are designed to bring beginners up-to-speed with best practices as well as allow advanced users to interact with software experts and enquire how to get the most out of their data. Additionally, a dedicated session specialized in Tandem Mass Tagging (TMT) data processing will follow.

The content is delivered through online workshops, 2-3 hours each, via MS-Teams. The workshops feature live exercises on pre-distributed data, discussion of PD features, parameters, and optimized settings. The sessions are hands-on and highly interactive, so get the best experience by having PD 2.4, 2.5, 3.0 with CHIMERYS™, or 3.1 with CHIMERYS up and running. Click HERE to download a free 60-day trial version of the latest Proteome Discoverer software release and CHIMERYS algorithm.


Compound Discoverer software workshops

General Compound Discoverer software training:Compound%20Discoverer%20software%20works

  • Tuesday 26th September 10.00-13.30 CEST (Berlin time)
  • Wednesday 27th September 10.00-13.30 CEST (Berlin time)
  • Thursday 28th September 10.00-13.30 CEST (Berlin time)

Specialized data processing:

  • Met ID: Wednesday 4th October 10.00-13.30 CEST (Berlin time)
  • GCMS: Thursday 18th October 10.00-13.30 CEST (Berlin time)

The workshops are designed to bring beginners up-to-speed with best practices as well as allow advanced users to interact with software experts and enquire how to get the most out of their data. Additionally, two dedicated sessions specialized in Metabolite/drug metabolite Identification (Met ID) and Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) data analysis will follow.

The content is delivered through online workshops, 2-3 hours each, via MS-Teams. The workshops feature live exercises on pre-distributed data, discussion of CD features, parameters, and optimized settings. The sessions are hands-on and highly interactive, so get the best experience by having CD 3.3 SP2 up and running. Click HERE to download a free 60-day trial version of the latest Compound Discoverer software.